Given that x-reyes will generate animated sequences, it is quite obvious that those sequences are a fixed set of frames. Therefore, the fancier interactive aspects of SMIL, like mouse events and/or wallclock times, will not be required.
To that end (no pun intended), the @begin and @end attributes will support
syncbase values of the following form:
syncbase-value ::= ( Id-value "." ( "begin" | "end" ) ) ( S? ("+"|"-") S? Clock-value )?
The begin and end events of named animation elements (set, animate, animateMotion, etc) is a very powerful feature of SMIL that should be supported and for that matter utilised where possible. After all, everyday life is a connected sequence of beginnings and endings, that may be offset from each other, but they are all connected to synchronizing base events. Just consider a simple walk cycle!
Labels: Reyes, SMIL, SVG, XML, XSLT